Environmental Concerns
Project Boond:-The DAV CMC under the dynamic guidance of Mr.Poonam Suri President D.A.V.CMC started Project Boond on 19thJan,2013 to make people aware about the dire need to conserve the water.Under this project the school carried out various events,activities and sensitization programmes through out the year to educate about the importance of water conservation.
Ghaggar clean up campaign:- Spreading the message of 'Green and Clean' through rallies,cleanliness drives, tree plantations, seminars and workshops is undertaken on regular basis. The students also took up the project of Ghaggar clean-up campaign launched by the Environment Society of India to mark the World Biodiversity Day.
Anti Crackers Rally:- About 250 students of the schoo, holding pacards with slogans "Green and Clean City","Crackers create pollution, avoid them","Spread the echo of love and peace instead of crackers"etc. marched through the streets of Panchkula to sensitize people about the deleterious effects of crackers on environment.They also distributed pamphlets concerning tips to check atmospheric chemicalisation and how to celebrate a safe Diwali.The rally was lead by the Green Brigade and N.S.S volunteers of te school and flagged by Shri S.K.Sharma,President Environmet Sciety of India,Panckula
Cycle Rally:- School students took out a Cycle Rally in order to make the people aware theat the need of the hour is to stop polluting the atmosphere and emphasized that people must use cycles instead of cars.Students distributed paper bags in the nearby market and motivated the people to shun polythene.
Street Plays:- A street play 'Vasundra Harita Bhavtu' staged in the bank square,Sector-11 resonated how students can contribute their bit in saving the environment.It jolted everyone's conscience present there and urged them to introspect the impact of mean and mercenary plundering of nature.Students also distributed pamphlets in various pubilc offices to educate people about keeping their surroundings clean A contingent of 500 students formed human chain and took ledge resounding their solidarity towards a common cause of making the surroundings eco-friendly.
Visit to "Institute for blind":- Our N.S.S volunteers visited Institute for Blind,Sector 26,Panchkula.Mr.J.S.Jairath,Headmaster of the Institute apprised the children of the working nd management of their institute.The students had the most informative interaction while the inmates whose efforts exuded their confidence,grit and determination.Our volunteers spent quality time there partaking their small tokens of affection.